Hello Dears!
Unfortunately I have had some technical problems with this blog and have started over with another blog. It will basically be the same as this blog with a few new surprises. It is called Redeemed by Unfailing Love, I will post a link below. I hope you all enjoy it and follow it so we can stay in touch! Don't ever doubt that God loves you and has an incredible purpose planned for your life!

Hi, I am Julia, I am a writer and a true follower of Jesus Christ my King and Savior. My blog is based on one of my favorite Bible verses Proverbs 9:10. It says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.". I truly hope my blog is an inspiration to you in your day-to-day life.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
For King & Country
A few posts ago I told you all about one of my biggest role models, Moriah Peters. A month ago she got married which was very exciting for me and all of her fans. I knew she was marrying a Australian, named Joel, from another Christian Band one of my friends had told me about.
Little did I know that that band would be at a Youth Evangelism Conference I was going to last weekend.
The band is called, as you may have guessed from this post title, for King & Country. They are incredibly talented and their music is so powerful. I got to see them warm up and then got to meet Joel after the concert. He was very personable and visited with me for a couple minutes as he signed my new sweatshirt and took a picture with me. I told him, "The concert was great tonight. I am huge fan of your wife, which is actually how I found out about you." and he said "Moriah Peters, eh?". He was so nice and it was really a blessing to meet him.
When we speak up for Christ and share His love we can make a difference. Contrary to what some people believe with Christ we have the power to make an impact where we are, to rise up from the bonds that hold us.
Have a blessed day!
Little did I know that that band would be at a Youth Evangelism Conference I was going to last weekend.
The band is called, as you may have guessed from this post title, for King & Country. They are incredibly talented and their music is so powerful. I got to see them warm up and then got to meet Joel after the concert. He was very personable and visited with me for a couple minutes as he signed my new sweatshirt and took a picture with me. I told him, "The concert was great tonight. I am huge fan of your wife, which is actually how I found out about you." and he said "Moriah Peters, eh?". He was so nice and it was really a blessing to meet him.
Joel and his younger brother, Luke, started this band although Luke was not able to be at the concert because he is sick and in the hospital right now with digestive problems. Please be praying for Luke and his family.
When I was on the way home from the conference I looked up the music video to one of my favorite songs of theirs called Proof of Your Love. It is a really powerful video that impacted me deeply. Please take a couple minutes to watch this video.
When we speak up for Christ and share His love we can make a difference. Contrary to what some people believe with Christ we have the power to make an impact where we are, to rise up from the bonds that hold us.
Have a blessed day!
The Elegant Blogger Award
2.What is your fashion style?Ooh, this is a hard one because I don't really stick with on style. I would have to say, vintage girly with a hint of boho flare.
3. What is one thing none of your followers know about you?I have been out of the United States once and I am going on another trip out of the country this fall to Nicaragua.
4. What are some of your blogging goals?To glorify Christ and have fun.
5. Where is your favorite place to shop? I like thrift shopping and resale shops. My favorite stores other than that are Forever 21, Marshall's, and Five Pound Apparel.
6.What would your ideal amount of followers be?Anywhere from 50 to 100
7.What are your talents?Public Speaking, singing, guitar and writing.
8.Are you a leader or a follower?I am leader. Just like everyone else I can have the rare shy moment but they are rare.
9. What is one of your favorite quotes?
"I am in your world.' said Aslan 'But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there." C.S. Lewis
10. Do you have a favorite book or book series?
The Lord of the Rings, Narnia and the Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers. My favorite books change often though.
11.Out of all the synonyms for elegant which one would you describe yourself with? (smart- stylish - dressy - graceful - dainty - fine) ?
Stylish I suppose.
12.What is your favorite flower?
My favorite flower changes a lot, right now I really like the Black Eyed Daisy.
I nominate:
Katie at The Key to Creativity
Olivia at Bored No More Forever
Sadly most of the other blogs I follow have not posted in over a year so I will only be nominating these two.
- When you receive the award, link back to keepcalmandsparkle1099.blogspot.com and the blog that nominated you
- Display the award button in the post
- Answer all of the 12 questions given in this post (Do not make your own questions)
- Nominate 12 bloggers
- Notify them that they have been awarded
God bless you all today!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Beautiful Day
Hello my Lovelies,
I hope you are all doing well. Things have been quite busy around my house as we start to wrap up summer and get ready for the new school year.
I hope you are all doing well. Things have been quite busy around my house as we start to wrap up summer and get ready for the new school year.
Speaking of the school year I got a new backpack (pictured below) which I am pretty excited about. It was the last one like it at Target, shoved behind the other backpacks.
I have really been trying to enjoy this last little bit of summer, eating all the watermelon I can hold and swimming as much as this busy life allows me to. Also I have enjoyed spending time with my family, I have truly been blessed with wonderful parents and a spunky, beautiful little sister.
Now I would like to share some of my new favorite songs.
"Oh How I Need You" by All Sons & Daughters
This song has really become one of my very favorite songs and is a reminder to just cry out to God that I need Him and depend on Him alone for my strength. He has a great plan for me, I just need to remind myself that He is the only thing I should be focusing on.
"Crystalize" by Lindsey Stirling
I just love the sound of this song
"Have You Ever" by Rhett and Link
I am posting this song because it is just too funny not to share.
Now that you are most likely laughing from that last video I must say my farewells.
I hope you have a wonderful day. God Bless You!
Charlie the Bunny
Today I helped save a bunny from the entry to my Grandma's crawl space under her house. The poor little guy was in a corner scared to death. It looked like two of them had gotten down there but the other one had died. He was a very sweet little rabbit who is now free to go wherever he pleases. Have a nice life, Charlie.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Beauty in God's Eyes No Makeup Challenge
For the month of July I am not going to wear makeup. Let's focus more on Christ and less on our appearances. Join me.
If you have a smart phone or iPod touch and have the Instagram app make sure to follow my account @beauty_in_Gods_eyes
If you have a smart phone or iPod touch and have the Instagram app make sure to follow my account @beauty_in_Gods_eyes
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Moriah Peters
Moriah Peters is one of my absolute favorite artists. Her music has made a huge impact on my life, it reminds me to depend on Jesus for my fulfillment. "I have searched to find, the meaning of my life. Something that would fill my empty soul... I choose Jesus, I choose Jesus, the One who first chose me"
I also love the style of her music.
I encourage you to listen to the words on these videos
This last one is not her original song but I just really love it. This video has Cooper Green playing guitar and singing harmony, whom I also like.
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